I'm not the very bubbly and friendly type of girl. In fact, most people will tell you that I come across as cold and arrogant during their first impression of me. Even after knowing me for many years, there will still be people who feel that they don't know the real me - that there's some sort of invisible barrier in between. I don't warm up to people easily either; in fact, if I feel that I don't click with you during our first meeting, there's a great possibility that I will never ever be close to you in the future, because I would be feeling very uncomfortable.
It's during times of trial when you know who your real friends are. To all those who have been incredibly supportive during this period, thank you. It makes all the difference. I am deeply comforted. To the others who have not, well, let's just say I know your true colours now. Friendship is never a one-way street, so if it doesn't go both ways - it's not worth it. What I dislike the most is people who don't hesitate seeking help from you when they need it, yet they never do the same when you're down in the dumps. Yucky.
I've never been the wildly popular one, simply because I am not really an extrovert. It isn't easy for me to be comfortable with people, so if there is a slight hint of uneasiness, I will gladly excuse myself the next time you invite me to hang out. It's not me being rude; rather, I can't bring myself to plaster on a fake smile and keep thinking of topics to talk about. Therefore, I know that I may have fewer friends, but to me, quality matters way more than quality. After all, I've been brought up to enjoy solitaire, so I'm not the kind who needs people just for the sake of warding off loneliness.
To those who have been by my side with gracious patience, I've been there for you before. And I'll always be there anytime you need me. Thanks a gazillion.