Dear Daniel:
I am so sorry I only just found out what happened. It really came as a shock to me when I finally signed into my MSN messenger and saw your status. At 1st I couldn't believe it, but who jokes about such things? And when I saw the date, I knew. Jokes don't go that far. And so in a panic, I went to my Friendster account and searched painstakingly for you. I remember you wrote me a testimonial before, so I clicked page after page, hoping that somehow it would all just be a bad dream. Page after page...and then I found you. You were the 1st person to write a testimonial for me, and it really really hurts me now when I read what you wrote and yet know that I have lost such a dear friend.
You were so friendly, so gregarious, it was impossible not to warm up to you. I remember you sitting in front of me in English class and you would turn around cheekily to talk to me. I even have photos of you with the rest of us girls before I left Inti for good. I know we havent kept in touch much after I left, but then I remember everything about you. The way you talked, the way you walked, the way you dressed. It hurts, Daniel..
I am so sorry I was never a good enough friend. But please know that you mean a lot, and you are a friend that can never be forgotten even after years have gone by.
RIP Daniel.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
can men and women be just good friends?
Why not? I'm not of the opinion that a guy and a girl has to be interested in each other romantically to want to be friends. In fact, I kind of despise it when guys are nice to you just because they are hoping they can hook up with you. Shallow lah.
I have several close friends who are male, and most of them are attached. We can talk just about anything and everything, and even if we haven't seen each other for months, even years, there isn't a moment of awkwardness when we meet up. There's no gawking silence where you're cracking your head trying to think of topics to relieve the situation while acting as if it's all cool. Nada. It's just like going to a new room and lying on a bed that's as comfy as your own. Weird sort of description, but I just can't explain it in better ways. You know you're good friends when silence is comfortable between you two.
In fact, if my memory serves me well, I've always been closer to male friends than to female friends. Somehow you don't get the feeling that they're probably backstabbing you, or they secretly hate your guts. Being with guy friends is when you can be really goofy, swear like a pirate, do disgusting things and laugh about it.
So yes, I think the opposite sex can just be friends WITHOUT thinking of taking the friendship further. I just told a guy friend yesterday - do you know why I'm close friends with some guys as in I don't mind going out one on one with them? It's because I'm comfortable being just friends. I mean, if something else were to happen, I'd avoid the guy like the plague.
It's happened before, not often, but definitely occurred sometime in the past, where a guy friend has admitted being romantically interested in me. What happens then? Awkward silences and goodbye to good ole days of movie or makan dates. Nah, if I treat you like a friend, it means you are that and nothing more. Let's not push it.
Good friends are those who understand that, and treat you well because they cherish you and enjoy your company. On the other hand, guys who take you out and treat you well or really go all the way out to make you happy just because they want to be in a relationship with you aren't really friends - they are just acquaintances who went down the wrong path. Don't get me wrong; it's not like these guys are jerks, many a time they are decent people, which is why you became friends with them in the first place. All I'm saying is, friendships like these aren't really genuine because there is a motive involved, and these friendships usually turn sour after rejection. That's just plain sad.
But yes, I am lucky, because I have good guy friends who aren't in it for something. I happen to have a pic of some of them. These are the friends whom I usually meet once a year or once every 2 years? yeah, they're not people i hang out all the time with because they're in different places, but definitely people I can just call anytime to sob about a breakup. Haha. I wont go into details as to how I knew them and all that coz that's in my old Friendster blog anyway.
Aik Ping, whom I meet once or twice a year. We've known each other since I was 17. Our mothers were colleagues once too. He's working now, but this Sunday he's bringing his new gf to meet me and have dinner.Chian Ping - known to others as my Korean friend. He's not a Korean, but a Malaysian studying in Korea. We meet only once a year - during Chinese New Year hols. Every year, without fail. He has a gf whom I've never seen because she's from China. He was my best guy friend when I was miserable in UITM. CP do you remember the time I yelled at a kid for torturing a cat in the park and you got so shocked that you quickly apologized to his dad??
Yuk Heng. My dear kawan from orientation. This was when I went down to Melaka last year to visit him and other friends. During orientation we were both selected to participate in a sketch for the Green Group and we won! And do you remember the times when we played the game where everyone had to yell a name and you were the unlucky one who always kena because your surname is Ha and whenever anyone said "Har?" it would be taken to mean you anyway?Lolz.
我不是什么大慈悲家,也不是什么白衣天使,可我也可以尽一份力量去造福人群!怎么说?简单得很 - 只需要施舍一点点血而已!
星期二当天,我上完international accounting课之后,就翘课到FIT building 捐血去了.我从十八岁开始就很想体验捐血的滋味,但由于种种因素,两次都没捐成. 所以当我在去年的时候成功捐了我人生的第一包血,说实在的还真是有股成就感呢! 今年只有我一个人去捐,衰人WYL自从上一回看见自己妹妹捐血时发生的小意外后,誓不重历,就不敢捐了.宅女TCS就因服着药物,所以没资格捐.那么, 就剩下老娘我出兵啦!
如往常般,我又谝了谎言,说自己超了设定的45公斤. 其实我真的超过45公斤,可就不知道为什么每一次医院带来的体秤机往往都是为每个人减少三公斤的.没关系,反正医务人员都没检查,所以很容易就骗得了过去. 嘻嘻,今年血压也没问题, 本姑娘过关了!
衰人与宅女都没事做,就带着手提电脑在我身旁看戏. 我选了位置就快快坐下了.我一定选择左边的椅子,因为万一再过两天我的手臂酸痛或有瘀痕,至少都不会影响我写字或驾车. 坐下后,心里一直祈祷护士都是有经验的,要不我可能会像我朋友们那样倒霉,好心没好报,得到此下场...
当走到我面前的护士是一位看似二十余岁的女人,我的心顿时怦怦跳.不是小鹿乱撞Ok,是真的好担心! omg 这么年轻,我这一次死定了.所幸她说我的血脉很明显,一下子就把针筒刺进去了.我这人也很奇怪,明明会有些担心痛,可是偏偏就爱看着针筒刺进皮肤的那一幕.我会目不转睛地望着我的手臂,从小都是这样.
后来,我身边来了一位男生,样子还蛮过得去的.他有两位朋友,都很滑稽,就爱惹护士小姐笑. " Cik, you cucuk dia kuat kuat, jangan bagi muka"听得护士腼腆起来了,我和宅女也在旁边笑得乐开怀呀.后来他们又不知从哪里拿出一台相机,要和护士小姐拍照.护士婉拒了,但他们说: "mesti punya, cik awak yang cucuk dia, mesti ambil gambar bersama!", 她也就笑笑点头了.
后来更可笑的是,他们竟然也要求我拍照留念. 好像这是什么历史性的一刻.我答应了,但忘了向他们要了那一张相片.算了吧,当时自己的脸色也没好到哪儿去.
Makan makan
Oh so on Tuesday a bunch of us went to Syabu syabu. I'm no big fan of steamboats; in fact I find them rather bland unless the soup is spicy. But since a lot of people were raving about it and I found it quite affordable at RM26.50 ( compared to the whopping RM62 I once paid for the buffet in Neway - damn they con you by giving you a RM22 fruit platter and 2 RM9 bowls of cheap tidbits that you don't need), so I just tagged along.
We were starving, and I was glad to see that there weren't too many people. Queing up for ages sucks when you want to swallow a cow. So up we went, and the feast begun! I must say, steamboat without spicy soup will always end up being too bland for me, so I plunged every morsel into the soy sauce and chili paste provided. The concept is rather unique in that it follows the Japanese style of having the food passed along the conveyor belt, which is good because it saves you the trouble of having to get up every now and then to refill your plates. But I must say I found it so-so, and I probably din eat my worth of RM26.50. But CS did. We noticed that for every 1 plate I ate, she already had 7 stacked up. She probably ate our share of worth already, so no rugi la.
A group of people after work were celebrating something opposite us, but I didn't know what because they were pretty noisy taking group pictures and posing here and there. But oh well, having colleagues within your age range is fun that way. You can drop the adult act.
Here's a pic of some plates in front of us - our last 2 or 3 i think. The staff clean up pretty fast after you stack a sizable number of plates up. I think you can see pretty clearly the 2 ladies opposite us. For some reason the pics we took of ourselves made us look like dumpling faces, so I shall save us all the embarrassment and not put those pictures up.And yes, I'm messy that way.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
An education doesn't mean you're entitled to act like a jerk
Was eating at Dengkil yesterday afternoon. It was really hot, and i saw flies buzzing around, so my housemate and I opted to go upstairs where it's airconditioned. The food was alright, I finally had curry which was what I had been craving for. The problem is, soon a bunch of men walked in, dressed formally with tags around their necks. Ah, one of your average corporate newbies i gathered. They sat down at the table next to us and conversed in English, about some IT stuff la whatever. That's not the issue. Soon i started coughing. Now good friends of mine or friends who notice me closely will know that I'm very senstitive to cigarette smoke. It affects me much worse than others. I looked behind and this guy was casually puffing away. He saw my disgusted look, but acted as if nothing happened. Damn it dickhead, you don't go around lighting up in an airconditioned restaurant. There's no smoking and non-smoking area here ok!
Here's what I think. You should just take the lighted end of it and stuff it up your ass. Damn I am pissed. Inconsiderate pig. So what if you have a degree and know about IP addresses and servers and blah? If you crave it so badly, step outside la! Smoking in front of people is damn selfish. Either step aside, or in open areas, blow ur smoke away from ur friends and those ppl next to you. I don't care if you're surrounded by people, puff up to the sky or down to your feet la! Damn I don't know why I'm so worked up but I am lor....Crap.