Saturday, September 15, 2007


Everything in life is complicated. The older we get, the more twisted life becomes, and sometimes we get so entwined in our daily issues that we seem to find no way out. Childhood is precious, not because of its briefness, but because of its simplicity. As we mature into adults, sadly we manage to make things far more complicated than necessary and end up making ourselves miserable in the process as well.

I have a principle that I hold on dearly to: never get too involved until you can never get out. It's true, you know. Get too personally involved and at the end of the day, you suffocate. That is why sometimes I may come across as somewhat of a loner, not because I don't choose to give my all to the people around me, but because I choose to leave some space so that we can all take a step back when we need to. I don't want to be stereotyped as 'someone's friend, someone's leader, someone's group mate, someone's sister, someone's daughter" and etc. I want to have my very own personality, so that others can identify with Sharon the Person, and not with the various roles that I play in my life, whether it be a classmate, a friend,a senior and so on..

I am comfortable in my own skin, and I try not to let others demean me. It sure is a trying process, but better late than never. Sometimes I observe the people around me and their worries, and I wonder: Isn't there more to life than what we have right now? I myself have been swamped with concerns often, and there are times when I feel like I'm drowning in quicksand; the feeling of helplessness is just too intense.

Then I remember my principle, and I take a step back. Often, this helps the situation in ways that I never could imagine. I try to remind myself again and again what it means to live a carefree life, and though I may stumble in my process of learning, nothing can stop me from reaching the finishing line eventually.