well, the horrible re-test was over last week....damn happy to get it off my chest, yet still sullen over the fact that i had only about 2 weeks left to enjoy my holiday (to be accurate, what's left of it). It's Tuesday now, and I have to go back to campus this coming Monday. Not looking forward to it at all. Oh ya, results are out, and my results have dropped. Somehow, I'm relieved. It was only a matter of time when I wouldn't get 4 anymore, and I'm just glad it's over. Most people may find it hard to believe, and ask me "are you ok?". yes I am, because I've always been the type to be more stressed BEFORE the exams rather than be DEPRESSED after them. At least, I don't have to maintain it next sem anymore. I'm actually really relieved that I don't have this benchmark to attain any longer.
I've wanted to write something meaningful and submit it to some magazine or newspaper this holiday, but there's no inspiration. I don't have anything to comment about, and no topic comes to mind. Wasting away at home, reading classical romance novels, getting hooked to DBSK on youtube and basically trying to get rid of reality. Wonderful holiday.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I want to spew a torrent of foul words from my mouth, as foul and ugly and busuk as can be. But then, NO AMOUNT OF FOUL WORDS CAN EXPRESS THE ANGER THAT I FEEL. None at all. Nada. Zilch.
Thanks to some brainless airhead, I have no holidays left. And why is that, you may ask? Oh, it's "nothing" really...some girl over at Malacca went over to her lecturer and complained that we here at Cyberjaya had an unfair advantage over them in our Taxation 2 paper because the questions set by our lecturer were similar to our tutorials and revision questions, so now instead of holiday-ing, we have to resit for the whole damn paper on the 23rd of October. That's the midst of our short 3 week break, so what does that mean? I either have to sacrifice going home, or I have to go home for 6 days, lugging my taxation textbook and notes with me, study AGAIN and then come back to Cyberjaya for the exam. And this is TAXATION, you know. Not exactly a breeze. It's not English or Law or Knowledge Economy. Of all papers, it had to be the heaviest paper, and the only paper that we December Intake students chose to take as an additional subject. If we hadn't made that decision early this semester, we wouldn't have to go through the whole ordeal again. It's horrible.
This is the first time this is happening to me, and I guess, for many others as well. To resit a final paper when there is no issue of question leakage, just because some bozo didn't revise those questions and felt that they had a disadvantage, all thanks to her, the whole Delta Accounting class + some Gamma students ( that's where I fit in) have to pay the consequences, when at the end of the day, no matter how you look at it, none of this is our fault. We stressed it through the night before, and many days before that, we studied our notes and books from cover to cover, and just when we were so relieved that it was finally over - some *&%#$@ has to go and do this.
Oh sure, you may think: since you guys have studied before, what's the biggie? the biggie, my dear, is that in this particular case, the results don't matter as much as the process. You know the saying that the results don't matter, but the journey or the process is what counts? Yeah well, not in this case at all. We were willing to negotiate and compromise - in fact, we agreed to allow them to raise the standard bar for us Cyberians and lower the bar for them - put 85 or even 90 as A - we don't mind! We just don't want to go through the whole nightmare again!
But sigh, the final verdict was one which pisses everyone off. Sure, some people will be pleased if they didn't do that well in their finals before this. But on the whole, I'm pretty sure everyone is feeling murderous right now. We're just a step away from picketing, burning effigies and fasting in protest. I can just open my YM and my MSN messenger and read the statuses of the people there. You'll find the words "stupid", "idiot", "kill", "fuck" and many more. All of which still does not express my feelings adequately.
The anger will subside, and be replaced by frustration, and reluctance, and finally misery. Whee. I hope you're happy, whoever you are.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Love-Hate Relationship
Let's call this person A and address him/her as "it" every time ( to keep the gender ambiguous). I can't really make up my mind if I still like it as a friend. I guess, more so on the contrary. The funny thing is, I never thought it would come to this. A has been getting on my nerves more and more. I do wonder whether it's my problem, because sometimes I wonder whether it's me being too fussy. Somehow I feel that A's mood swings are damn unpredictable; treat you nice when it wants to, yet on some days show you some attitude that makes you fume. I admit, I'm losing my patience as well. Most of the time if I'm displeased, I don't bother hiding it as well. I really dislike people who turn to you when they have problems, yet cast you aside when having fun sometimes. What am I now, some help-vending machine? I would gladly help if you gave me back the same amount of courtesy; but when you don't, somehow I don't feel obligated to cater to your whims as well. ROAR.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Just for laughs
Got some really funny pictures at a website. These are some unfortunately misplaced ads that make the whole idea go awry. I've just placed two of them, but do check out the rest at this website: http://www.oddee.com/
The site is hilarious. You get to see other bizarre yet true stuff. Seriously, it's worth checking out - especially the bizarre advertisement part.And of course, how can we leave out bizarre car plate numbers?
There are really lotsa other stuff there that tickles me to the bone. Have fun.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Through the years
I've been going through the pictures stored on my computer, and I noticed that I have a few photos of me through the years. There'll be a big gap in between though, because I don't have that many pictures in paperless form. Still, here are some of the good, bad, cute and oh-my-god-what-was-wrong-with-me-did-i-really-look-like-that pictures.... That's me when I was one, with the ever popular whale-spurting-water-from-pothole-hair
I was two at the time, with pigtails. This was taken in Singapore. I had pigtails for many years after that.
Around 5 I think, busy doing homework at the kitchen table. That was my baby seat at the corner.
14 at that time, with my brother. He looks really 嫩here also. You should see him now. Don't know how to describe.
Ahh...wonderful memories in Inti Penang. Those were my great friends. Still miss them dearly. I was 18.
Haha, still 18 at the time, but at year end. In Melaka, where I was starting my days in MMU.
19 years old now. Was about to leave Melaka for Cyber.
My first semester here at Cyber. 20 years old. Notice how bloated I look. I have the face of a polo bun!!! Weird, at that time I didnt exactly feel very fat.THis was at the beginning of this year. When I turned 21. Ya I have a penchant for taking pictures in weird poses and with weird things.
This is what I look like now. I guess I havent really changed that much over the years right? Hohoho
hair woes
As mentioned before in my Friendster blog a few months back, I've not had short hair since I was 15. Even so that took quite some spunk, and I did that in the spur of the moment. I thought of cutting my hair in the afternoon, and that night itself I went. That's me actually. I'm not really rational when it comes to certain issues. Even cutting my hair short this time wasn't planned at all. I happened to chance upon a hairstyle I liked on YouTube, and off I went within two hours on Merdeka. Naturally it didnt turn out the way I expected, but it's fine. The problem is, I notice that you have to spend more money on your hair when it's short. When I had long locks, I only had a haircut every 3 to 4 months, but now? Within a month it gets really annoying, and I have to fork out some money again. Went for a trim again last night with two friends. At this rate, I don't think I'll be having long hair again, though I really want to grow it so that I can have long hair for prom. Sigh, I'm dreading prom. The reason why I've never attended a prom is because it's so hard for me to get a decent dress, what with my dermatological problems and all that. Do you know how hard it is to get a dress that covers you up? and it looks weird, when everyone's contesting to see who can bare the most skin and cleavage. Sigh sigh sigh...I'm sure I would enjoy proms as much as anyone else if I could wear anything I like. Since I can't, I'm seriously not looking forward to it. Dammit.
The hiatus was totally unintentional. Been really really really busy, what with finals and all. Finally I've survived through the hectic week of having 5 papers in 7 days. Another paper left, on the 10th, but then no one's particularly bothered about that. IT'S MERDEKA, freedom you hear me?!>!>!
Slipped right into a near comatose stage last night and slept for 12 hours straight without once blinking an eyelid. Woke up at 12.30pm and started cleaning the room, part of the kitchen and my clothes. Half a day of tidying and cleaning can be really tiring. After clearing the unnecessary junk, I swept, vacuumed and wiped the floor. Note that I didnt say "mop"; I got down on all fours and wiped the floor with a cloth. I would have wanted to wash my dear little 小银 as well, but it's pouring outside now. So maybe later or tomorrow eh?
Oh ya, new template...nice? all thanks to Kean Shen...谢谢!
Monday, October 1, 2007