I've been going through the pictures stored on my computer, and I noticed that I have a few photos of me through the years. There'll be a big gap in between though, because I don't have that many pictures in paperless form. Still, here are some of the good, bad, cute and oh-my-god-what-was-wrong-with-me-did-i-really-look-like-that pictures.... That's me when I was one, with the ever popular whale-spurting-water-from-pothole-hair
I was two at the time, with pigtails. This was taken in Singapore. I had pigtails for many years after that.
Around 5 I think, busy doing homework at the kitchen table. That was my baby seat at the corner.
14 at that time, with my brother. He looks really 嫩here also. You should see him now. Don't know how to describe.
Ahh...wonderful memories in Inti Penang. Those were my great friends. Still miss them dearly. I was 18.
Haha, still 18 at the time, but at year end. In Melaka, where I was starting my days in MMU.
19 years old now. Was about to leave Melaka for Cyber.
My first semester here at Cyber. 20 years old. Notice how bloated I look. I have the face of a polo bun!!! Weird, at that time I didnt exactly feel very fat.THis was at the beginning of this year. When I turned 21. Ya I have a penchant for taking pictures in weird poses and with weird things.
This is what I look like now. I guess I havent really changed that much over the years right? Hohoho